World Military section includes information related to military (Army, Air Force, Navy and other armed force related information) of:
- African Armed Forces
Militaries of the African Countries
- Asian Armed Forces
Militaries of the Asian Countries
- European Armed Forces
Militaries of the European Countries
- North American Armed Forces
Militaries of North America
- Oceania Armed Forces
Military of the Oceania Countries
- South American Armed Forces
Military of the South American Countries - General Military
General and common information related to Military, Military procurement, Military transport, Military Justice, Military strength, Military Force, Military history, Military reserve, Military science, Military ideology, Specific militaries, Military Alliances, etc.
Weapons DB section includes technical information related to the various weapons and weapon systems such as army weapons, air force weapons and navy weapons used by world militaries (Army, Air force, navy, etc.).
- Air Systems
World Military Aircraft and Air Force Weapons
- Land Systems
Global Military Army Vehicles, Army and land forces weapons
- Naval Systems
World Naval Ships and navy weapons
- Missile Systems
Global Missile weapon systems
- Air Force Videos
Global Air Force Videos and clips related to military aircraft, etc.
- Army Videos
Global Army Videos and clips related to land forces, land vehicles, etc.
- Navy Videos
World Naval Videos
- General Videos
General Military and Defense videos which do not fit air force, army or navy military branches. This would include videos on missiles, missile tests, mix videos and other general military topics.
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