Thursday, December 11, 2008

Global Military

World Military section includes information related to military (Army, Air Force, Navy and other armed force related information) of:

Weapons DB section includes technical information related to the various weapons and weapon systems such as army weapons, air force weapons and navy weapons used by world militaries (Army, Air force, navy, etc.).

Military Videos section has Videos related to world military, military excercises, military tests, missile tests, shootings, gun firing, explosions, air force videos, army videos, navy videos, air force excercises, etc. linked from 17 most popular video hosting websites such as: Google Video, YouTube, iFilm, Vimeo, Metacafe, Bolt (for Audio & Video), Bofunk, Break, Jumpcut, Current TV, MySpace Video Code, Revver, FreeVideoBlog, Streetfire Videos, Crossroad Videos, Anime Episodes, Dropshots - All on Now you don't have to browse 17 websites for the videos, we will have them right here for you.
  • Air Force Videos
    Global Air Force Videos and clips related to military aircraft, etc.
  • Army Videos
    Global Army Videos and clips related to land forces, land vehicles, etc.
  • Navy Videos
    World Naval Videos
  • General Videos
    General Military and Defense videos which do not fit air force, army or navy military branches. This would include videos on missiles, missile tests, mix videos and other general military topics.

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